Earlier this month, Rohit Shetty dropped a 5-minute-long trailer for his upcoming anticipated film Singham Again. The film led by Ajay Devgn and Kareena Kapoor had become the talk of the town due to its run time. From memes of being a short film to assembling Desi Avengers, netizens took a field trip with that same, however a fan has now re-edited the trailer to an appropriate time length.
The original trailer not only introduced the story and the main characters but also dropped major action sequences, moments from the climax and all the cameo entries from the film. The 4-minute 59-second video left no stone unturned and revealed all the major aspects of the film, which also turned it into meme material.
Now, an amateur editor has cut the trailer in a shorter version and left fans debating which one is better. The re-edit was uploaded by the YouTube channel The Quarter Ticket Show on October 9, only days after the official trailer was released. The video’s thumbnail claimed, ‘I fixed the Singham Again trailer.’ The description on YouTube reads, “Now it is the correct length trailers should be.”
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The new fan version clocks in only at 1 minute, 14 seconds. Fashioned more like a teaser the clip has no dialogue and focuses mainly on the cops in the universe including Ajay Devgn, Ranveer Singh, Arjun Kapoor, and Deepika Padukone. Many praised the re-edited trailer saying the makers should also take a look at it. One comment read, “This is how a trailer works. By building anticipation, and not by showcasing every single thing.” Another added, “No seriously what the hell. It’s really good.”
However, it also saw some criticism as one user said, “Trailer without dialouge feels like fanmade.” Another added that the trailer should have the Ramayan connection revealed, “There should be shots establishing their parallel with Ramayana, because if anyone goes by this trailer and watch the parallel directly in the theatre, it might seem odd and far-fetched to them.”
Meanwhile, the original trailer of Singham Again amassed 42 million views on YouTube. Directed by Rohit Shetty the film will hit the big screen on November 1, 2024. Singham Again led by Ajay Devgn and Kareen Kapoor also stars Arjun Kapoor as the villain along with Akshay Kumar, Ranveer Singh, Deepika Padukone, Tiger Shroff and more in pivotal roles.
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