India’s longest-running television series, C.I.D., is all set to make its comeback, 6 years since its last episode aired in 2018. The iconic crime show that gave the internet some of its cherished cache of desi meme fodder will return with its OG cast featuring the titular character ACP Pradyuman, played by Shivaji Satam. The 74-year-old television star played senior inspector in the first few episodes before being promoted to the rank of ACP. The show, with 1,547 episodes, first aired on Sony Entertainment Television on January 21, 1998. The season 1’s final episode aired on October 27, 2018. The production house dropped a fiery teaser on their social handle, breaking the desi internet.
The teaser states that an explosive promo will drop on October 26. Some of the popular stars from the shows, including Aditya Shrivastava (Inspector Abhijeet), Dayanand Shetty (Inspector Daya), Narendra Gupta (Dr R P Salunkhe), and others, are set to return to the second season of the cult show. Reacting to the nostalgia, several netizens remarked that their childhood is returning with the show that made for so many core memories. One fan quipped, “Our childhood’s afternoon schedule is coming back.” Another wrote, “Humara bachpan wapas aa gaya,” while several dropped “goosebumps” and tears of joy emojis. On X/Twitter, the news erupted into a hilarious memefest. Meanwhile, a section of fans were glum on the fate of one of the popular characters of the show, Inspector Fredricks, “Freddy,” as Dinesh Phadnis passed away at the age of 57 on December 1, 2023, due to cardiac arrest.
— Knight Walker (@Knight9495) October 25, 2024
90s Kids be like:
— फिलासफर©™ (@battyphilo) October 25, 2024
See Also: This Actor From CID Is Now A Professor And The Internet Is A Nostalgic Mess
See Also: From ACP Pradyuman To Inspector Daya, AI Reimagines Classic CID Characters In The 80s