Alia Bhatt’s film Jigra has been surrounded by controversy since before its release. From the film’s story to its box office collection, the film is now being dragged into a new controversy after an actor hailing from the Northeast has accused the filmmakers of discriminating against him. Bijou Thaangjam took to his x account and accused the makers of locking him for a role in Jigra, but never reaching out to him once the shoot began.
I’m not writing this with any agenda or accusations. I just want to share the reality of how actors like me from the Northeast are often treated by big production houses. Hopefully, this sheds some light on what we face. #Jigra #JigraMovie #AliaBhatt #DivyaKhosla #VasanBala
— Bijou ThaangJam (@BijouThaangjam) October 13, 2024
Bijou has been a part of many films like Mary Kom, Shivaay, Rocketry and others. Taking to his X account, the actor wrote, “I’m not writing this with any agenda or accusations. I just want to share the reality of how actors like me from the Northeast are often treated by big production houses. Hopefully, this sheds some light on what we face,” along with hashtags of the film and the cast and crew. He also shared a long note along with it expressing his experience working on the offered role.
He revealed, “Back in 2023, I was approached by their casting team to audition for a role. I sent my tapes twice over the span of four months, playing along with their timeline. By the end of November, they told me I’d be shooting in December — fantastic, right? Except they never gave me any firm shoot dates.” However, the tweet went on to explain that they never got in touch with him after booking him for an entire month.
SEE ALSO: Credibility Crisis, Paid Reviews And Dharma Production’s Move; Where Is Industry’s Jigra?
Bijou further explained that while he understands out big productions work but called the incident very unprofessional. He revealed that he lost out on other projects as he was waiting to hear back but was left out in the dark. “For actors like me from the Northeast, it felt particularly dismissive, almost discriminatory. My time was wasted, and I missed out on other opportunities just because they expected I’d be available at a moment’s notice,” he concluded.
The makers of Jigra are yet to react to Thaangjam’s accusations. Meanwhile, the film’s box office collection is also making headlines for Alia Bhatt’s lowest collection in a decade. The film reportedly opened with Rs 4 cr and Rs 2 cr on the following day.
Cover Image: X